موقع إلكتروني متخصص في الأخبار الاقتصادية
الأربعاء, 22 يناير 2025 | 10:00 مساءً
إعلان طولي جانبي
إعلان طولي جانبي
اعلان كبير اسفل السلايدر

Capriole applies virtual reality techniques at Aspire International

Aspire International School, affiliated to Capriole Developments, unveiled the use of state-of-the-art technologies in the educational process at its schools and the reliance on augmented virtual reality techniques in education.

Aspire International Schools eyes the introduction of hi-tech methods in education in Egypt and the graduation of generations of students with top skills and competencies in sync with job market requirements in Egypt and abroad.
Chairman of Capriole Group Eng. Mohamed Mufeed said that Aspire International School began to apply these techniques as of the second term of this academic year. Starting from the upcoming academic year, more advanced technology entailing the use of less books and papers etc. will be upheld.

Aspire International Schools, he added, are keen on making use of varied technologies for conveying information to students and honing their skills while providing juniors with age-expropriate techniques to serve the purpose of upgrading their skills and learning via games and activities, an exercise that bolsters the students’ bonding to school, loving learning and discovery.

اعلانات بجانب السلايدر 2

Aspire International Schools has launched a platform with academic curriculum, to which students can have access to via a special account, he elaborated, noting that specialists have been hired to inform teachers about the latest augmented reality techniques.

Owing to its ability at creating varied virtual learning milieu unmatched by the more conventional learning environment, the augmented virtual reality, when used in the education process, is far effective in conveying information to students and encouraging them to innovate and interact.

The 1st branch of Aspire International Schools was inaugurated last year in New Cairo, as the construction of a new British curriculum-based school that joins Capriole School group under the slogan (Capriole Smart Education) in the New Administrative Capital is underway. With 1330-seat capacity, the new school, spanning an area of 3,37 acres in the 7th Residential Neighborhood, consists of 70 classes and is scheduled to kick-off as of the upcoming academic year

Aspire International Schools render a model for smart schools that rely on information technology, as it paves the way for establishing a top-notch quality-based educational system in Egypt.

Aspire International Schools highlight the use of innovative methods in education that allow students to get tuition via video-taped clips posted on its education platform that can be watched over by students at home. During the class period, activities and individual or group projects are conducted in order to ensure the students are interacting with each other.

Capriole strategy rests on investing in value in education as well as on the graduation of new efficient cadres with the aim of producing generations equipped with on-demand skills in the various job markets.

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