موقع إلكتروني متخصص في الأخبار الاقتصادية
الأربعاء, 22 يناير 2025 | 3:51 مساءً
آخر الأخبار
مشروع Marriott Residences Cairo إشادة عالمية تسبق العد التنازلي لتسليم المرحلة الأولى في يناير الجار... مؤسسة الجود تشارك في إرسال قافلة المساعدات الإنسانيه التاسعة لغزة ريفليكت للتطوير العقاري تطلق مشروع فيلفت مول في مدينة العبور باستثمارات 1.8 مليار جنيه رانيا رمضان: العلمين الجديدة ستشهد إقبالًا استثنائيًا بداية فصل الصيف المقبل "ماجد الفطيم" تفتتح متجرين لكارفور في محافظة أسوان والعاصمة الإدارية الجديدة بيتا للتطوير العقاري تعلن بيع المرحلة الأولى من Beta Residence بالسادس من أكتوبر كونتراك للتطوير العقاري تنفذ أعمالًا بقيمة 3 مليارات جنيه خلال 2024 التجاري الدولي يوقع بروتوكول تعاون استراتيجي مع جهاز تنمية المشروعات لدعم الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة «نخيل للتطوير» تصل بمحفظة استثماراتها لـ7 مليارات جنيه...وتخطط لإطلاق مشروع جديد خلال الربع الثاني أكرم الشيخ يستعرض برنامج شركة رادكس لتولي رئاسة لجنة التسويق والإعلام بجمعية مطوري القاهرة الجديدة
إعلان طولي جانبي
إعلان طولي جانبي
اعلان كبير اسفل السلايدر

Arkan Palm launch offices, clinics at 205 Project

The real estate developer, Arkan Palm, launched a new phase of offices and clinics in its 205 Project located in Sheikh Zayed City.

The launching came as a response to “Arkan Palm” customers’ high demand to own administrative and medical units in the project which is considered to be the first downtown district in West Cairo.

The project is located in one of the most distinguished locations in Sheikh Zayed City and stretched over 205 feddans. Its southern front is one kilometer long and overlooks 26th July axis, while its northern front is 1.2 kilometers long and overlooks the popular El-Bostan street that hosts many international trademarks.

اعلانات بجانب السلايدر 2

For his part, Arkan Palm CEO Tamer Badr El-Din said that the increasing demand that the company received from local and international institutions on administrative, medical and even commercial units, which have not been released yet, showed the strength and the significance of the project, in addition to showing the attractiveness of the Egyptian market and the growing chances of investment in it.

Badr El-Din added that the previous projects of Badr El-Din for Construction, which Arkan Palm Developments is a subsidized company of it, enhanced the attractiveness of 205 Project and the customers’ keenness to own properties.

He noted that around five administrative buildings were already sold to mega companies, meanwhile Arkan Palm will launch marketing campaign for other nine administrative buildings.

He referred to Badr El-Din for Construction experience in the market saying, it had built over one million square meters till now in the Egyptian market, and is currently developing one and quarter million square meters.

Ahmed Badr El-Din, CEO of Badr El-Din for Construction, said that the reason behind the company’s significance is its keenness on achieving progress on continuous basis, along with the use of the latest techniques in construction and development sectors to present an added value to the Egyptian market and meet the customers’ needs.
Badr El-Din for Construction CEO pointed out that 205 Project included 30,000 square meters for entertainment services, besides the residential, administrative and commercial zones.

He elaborated that the commercial zone is distinguished with privacy to provide all ways of comfort to the project’s residents.

He said that senior design consultant offices took part in designing 205 Project, among them Ramy El-Dahan and Soheir Farid consultant office, Raef Fahmi Architects and Dar El-Handasa Meanwhile, Nadia Badr El-Din, the marketing head of Arkan Palm Developments said the company is keen to build administrative offices with various areas to meet the latest changes in customers’ requirements, noting that a new paradigm was created of unit areas ranged between 70 and 80 square meters.

The company’s marketing head emphasized that there is an availability of smaller or bigger areas or even open two areas over each other if the customer wanted a bigger office for his company’s headquarter.

She said that 205 Project is distinguished by properties variety, as it offers small offices and whole buildings besides offering coworking spaces in the heart of the project soon.

She stressed that Arkan Palm Developments is keen on building integrated projects to enhance its added value, In addition to selecting its customers and managing the project in the best possible way that could guarantee the highest revenues and preserving significance sustainability.

Meanwhile, Sarah Badr El-Din, the head of sales team at Arkan Palm Developments said that the real estate developer was keen to meet what the customer need in the launching of the new medical and administrative units’ phase.

Arkan Palm Developments assigned the 205 Project’s general layout to the 1st ranked worldwide American architecture firm of Gensler, and is currently negotiating with Crowne Plaza Hotel to manage the project’s hotel apartments.

Arkan Palm Developments had also signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) WITH El-Safa Medical Group to build and operate an integrated hospital with a total capacity of 250 beds.

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