موقع إلكتروني متخصص في الأخبار الاقتصادية
الأربعاء, 22 يناير 2025 | 1:44 مساءً
آخر الأخبار
مشروع Marriott Residences Cairo إشادة عالمية تسبق العد التنازلي لتسليم المرحلة الأولى في يناير الجار... مؤسسة الجود تشارك في إرسال قافلة المساعدات الإنسانيه التاسعة لغزة ريفليكت للتطوير العقاري تطلق مشروع فيلفت مول في مدينة العبور باستثمارات 1.8 مليار جنيه رانيا رمضان: العلمين الجديدة ستشهد إقبالًا استثنائيًا بداية فصل الصيف المقبل "ماجد الفطيم" تفتتح متجرين لكارفور في محافظة أسوان والعاصمة الإدارية الجديدة بيتا للتطوير العقاري تعلن بيع المرحلة الأولى من Beta Residence بالسادس من أكتوبر كونتراك للتطوير العقاري تنفذ أعمالًا بقيمة 3 مليارات جنيه خلال 2024 التجاري الدولي يوقع بروتوكول تعاون استراتيجي مع جهاز تنمية المشروعات لدعم الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة «نخيل للتطوير» تصل بمحفظة استثماراتها لـ7 مليارات جنيه...وتخطط لإطلاق مشروع جديد خلال الربع الثاني أكرم الشيخ يستعرض برنامج شركة رادكس لتولي رئاسة لجنة التسويق والإعلام بجمعية مطوري القاهرة الجديدة
إعلان طولي جانبي
إعلان طولي جانبي
اعلان كبير اسفل السلايدر

The Gate eyes recording EGP 5bn in sales at Nile Property Expo

The Gate Real Estate announced its exclusive participation at Nile Property Expo, which runs from 2 to 4 May in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and is organized by Expo Republic. The Gate participates as the only real estate marketing company in the exhibition, and it undertakes exclusive marketing for the expo.

Ahmadi Hamdi, marketing director at The Gate, said that the company undertakes the exclusive advertising work for the expo by using all advertising means and social media by integrating artificial intelligence into marketing strategies, with the aim of reaching a wider audience of targeted customers in Riyadh.

Hamdi added that this participation is the second cooperation with Expo Republic in its leading real estate exhibitions that it organizes outside Egypt.

اعلانات بجانب السلايدر 2

Ibrahim El Gamal, the company’s sales director, stated that The Gate is the only real estate marketing company present at the exhibition with an exclusive and diverse portfolio of projects through which it aims to achieve strong sales during its participation in the exhibition. Accordingly, it is expected to record sales worth EGP 5bn during the expo period.

For his part, Mohamed Ayman, financial director at The Gate, noted that participation in the expo comes within the plan of real estate companies to boost property export, in cooperation with the government to provide hard currency for the state, as well as to present Egyptian projects to all countries of the world.

Ayman pointed out that the diversity in projects locations and their quality enable distinguished marketing of these projects abroad.

Andrew El-Luzy, the Gate’s CEO, disclosed that the company has strong and diverse experience in real estate marketing inside and outside Egypt, and has a strong portfolio of projects, including exclusive projects that the company is marketing. Additionally, The Gate has succeeded in organizing exhibitions outside Egypt in some countries, including Amman, Jordan and Qatar.

He revealed that the company plans to open its first regional office in Saudi Arabia and Dubai, as part of its expansion plan to expand and organize exhibitions in these countries and bring Egyptian projects to global horizons.

El-Lozy concluded that the 12th edition of the Nile Property Expo will kick off with the participation of more than 20 real estate companies, which own approximately 250 diverse projects, namely Al Ahly Sabbour Developments, Tatweer Misr, Orascom Development Egypt, and El Attal Holding.

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