موقع إلكتروني متخصص في الأخبار الاقتصادية
الأربعاء, 22 يناير 2025 | 8:55 صباحًا
آخر الأخبار
مشروع Marriott Residences Cairo إشادة عالمية تسبق العد التنازلي لتسليم المرحلة الأولى في يناير الجار... مؤسسة الجود تشارك في إرسال قافلة المساعدات الإنسانيه التاسعة لغزة ريفليكت للتطوير العقاري تطلق مشروع فيلفت مول في مدينة العبور باستثمارات 1.8 مليار جنيه رانيا رمضان: العلمين الجديدة ستشهد إقبالًا استثنائيًا بداية فصل الصيف المقبل "ماجد الفطيم" تفتتح متجرين لكارفور في محافظة أسوان والعاصمة الإدارية الجديدة بيتا للتطوير العقاري تعلن بيع المرحلة الأولى من Beta Residence بالسادس من أكتوبر كونتراك للتطوير العقاري تنفذ أعمالًا بقيمة 3 مليارات جنيه خلال 2024 التجاري الدولي يوقع بروتوكول تعاون استراتيجي مع جهاز تنمية المشروعات لدعم الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة «نخيل للتطوير» تصل بمحفظة استثماراتها لـ7 مليارات جنيه...وتخطط لإطلاق مشروع جديد خلال الربع الثاني أكرم الشيخ يستعرض برنامج شركة رادكس لتولي رئاسة لجنة التسويق والإعلام بجمعية مطوري القاهرة الجديدة
إعلان طولي جانبي
إعلان طولي جانبي
اعلان كبير اسفل السلايدر

talabat Hosts Second Annual Partners’ Event, Recognizing Shared Success and Impact

talabat, the MENA’s leading platform for everyday deliveries, held the second edition of its Annual Partner Gala to recognize the shared success and impact with its partners and showcase the positive impact of cooperation, technology, and innovation on society. The event, , featured inspiring stories and experiences from partners who have been part of talabat’s journey. Over the past three years, the customer base of partners has grown by more than 130%, while sales have increased by over 200%.

The event brought together government officials, partners, suppliers, NGOs and corporations from both local and foreign firms that have contributed to the impact generated across the ecosystem. With over 10,000 partners across 25 cities, 50% of which are SMEs, talabat reaffirmed its commitment to supporting the local economy and further enabling the flourishing ecosystem.
During the gala, talabat presented the 2023 round of its “Partner Awards”, curated to recognize strategic partners that deliver an amazing

experience while contributing to positive economic and social impact. Among the winning partners, Krispy Kreme was honored with the “t-Star” award for delivering the best overall experience and Abu Auf was awarded for achieving the fastest growth rate with talabat mart in 2023. While La Poire won the “Rider’s Favorite” award, for being the highest rated partner by riders this year.

اعلانات بجانب السلايدر 2

As part of its ongoing effort to support partners in Egypt and enable their sustainable growth through technology, talabat announced a strategic partnership with Cartona, the fastest-growing B2B E-commerce marketplace. This partnership aims to directly and conveniently connect partners to FMCG producers and wholesalers, significantly facilitating business. Under this partnership, partners will have access to a wide assortment of products, fast delivery, secure payment methods, and exclusive discounts.

talabat also highlightedits corporate social responsibility initiatives alongside six local charities. Under its #Tech4Good strategy, talabat has facilitated over EGP 25.5 million in donations and provided 480,000 meals to communities in need since April 2021.

The company reiterated its dedication to riders, offering additional income opportunities to over 14,000 individuals, on average earning EGP 7,000 per month, and up to EGP 15,000 EGP, in addition to being the first everyday delivery platform to provide life and accident insurance coverage to the out-sourced fleet. More recently, the company introduced the “Tare2na Wahed” program, which offers riders a range of benefits and easier access to financing and maintenance support.

Hadeer Shalaby, Managing Director of talabat Egypt, expressed her pride in organizing the annual event for the second year, and emphasized its importance in recognizing shared achievements. Shalaby highlighted talabat’s vision of enabling partners and driving SME growth through technology and strategic partnerships.

Mohamed Sekkina, General Manager of talabat Mart, noted the continuous growth of the quick-commerce service since its launch in 2020, which has enabled its primarily local and SME supplier base of over 280 partners to scale their businesses, resulting in an average of 200% sales increase across 37 dark stores in nine governorates. Sekkina also announced plans to further expand the current 37 dark store network in 9 governorates to serve more customers and further support local suppliers.

It’s worth mentioning that Cairo serves as the second regional tech hub headquarters, investing in cutting-edge data technologies with a dedicated team of over 430 engineers and product managers

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