موقع إلكتروني متخصص في الأخبار الاقتصادية
الأربعاء, 22 يناير 2025 | 3:57 مساءً
آخر الأخبار
مشروع Marriott Residences Cairo إشادة عالمية تسبق العد التنازلي لتسليم المرحلة الأولى في يناير الجار... مؤسسة الجود تشارك في إرسال قافلة المساعدات الإنسانيه التاسعة لغزة ريفليكت للتطوير العقاري تطلق مشروع فيلفت مول في مدينة العبور باستثمارات 1.8 مليار جنيه رانيا رمضان: العلمين الجديدة ستشهد إقبالًا استثنائيًا بداية فصل الصيف المقبل "ماجد الفطيم" تفتتح متجرين لكارفور في محافظة أسوان والعاصمة الإدارية الجديدة بيتا للتطوير العقاري تعلن بيع المرحلة الأولى من Beta Residence بالسادس من أكتوبر كونتراك للتطوير العقاري تنفذ أعمالًا بقيمة 3 مليارات جنيه خلال 2024 التجاري الدولي يوقع بروتوكول تعاون استراتيجي مع جهاز تنمية المشروعات لدعم الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة «نخيل للتطوير» تصل بمحفظة استثماراتها لـ7 مليارات جنيه...وتخطط لإطلاق مشروع جديد خلال الربع الثاني أكرم الشيخ يستعرض برنامج شركة رادكس لتولي رئاسة لجنة التسويق والإعلام بجمعية مطوري القاهرة الجديدة
إعلان طولي جانبي
إعلان طولي جانبي
اعلان كبير اسفل السلايدر

Anchor Developments launches its first project in the Administrative Capital “Rivoli” with investments of 3 billion pounds

Anchor Developments launched its first investments in the New Administrative Capital presented in “Rivoli” project among an ambitious investment plan worth EGP 10 billion within two years, with investments amounting to EGP 3 billion, and the company also contracted with a number of distinguished success partners to implement a unique and different project in the Administrative Capital.

Amr Ali, Anchor Developments Chairman, said that the company is affiliated with a strong entity that owns 30 years of experience in the field of construction and contracting, which is “El Sarh” Holding Company, and the company decided to take advantage of this experience and invest in the New Administrative Capital due to its importance as a national and promising investment project.

He added that the company is implementing the project among the service area of “Bleu Vert” project owned by the Saudi Egyptian Development Company in the New Administrative Capital, as “Rivoli” project is located on an area of 10815 meters, and construction is being done on an area of only 30% of the project, refering that the project is a strip mall with a ground and 3 floors, and the ground floor is allocated for commercial activity only, and the second and third floors are for administrative activity.

اعلانات بجانب السلايدر 2

Dr Hady Fathy Anchor Developments Executive manager, assured that the company has obtained the ministerial resolution and all the necessary approvals and licenses for implementation, and it is planned to be delivered in June0 2025, and the company is distinguished by its long experience in the field of construction, and its cooperation with strong success partners, with a strong financial position that makes it reliant on self-financing by a large percentage, all of which are promising elements for different and distinctive project in all its details.

He stated that it is planned to submit a percentage of the commercial part of the project for sale, but after housing the brands in this percentage, so that the units will be sold with the trademarks, which will benefit the company in maintaining a certain level of quality in the project, and ensures that these marks do not change according to individual tastes.

Dr. Emad Hamza, head of the commercial sector at Anchor Developments, said that the company offers flexible payment methods to clients that support their purchasing capabilities, and support the strength of the financial position of the project, and the repayment periods for clients reach 8 years, and a memorandum of understanding with MOU was signed, includes the presence of 6 brands in the project, which is an exclusive cooperation with these brands, which are present for the first time in the New Administrative Capital.

He pointed that the project is one of 3 plots that the company is developing among the service part of “Bleu Vert” project with a total area of 26,275 meters, and the company plans to implement multi-use projects on it, taking into consideration the elements of difference in each project.

He added that cooperation agreements for “Rivoli” project were signed with both the Saudi Egyptian Construction Company, Medad Consultant Engineers and MRB for Project Management, all of which are strong entities that have a long experience in their various disciplines, which enhances the benefit of the advantages enjoyed by “Rivoli” project.

The contract was signed by Eng. Amr Ali, Chairman of Anchor Developments, Eng. Mohamed El Taher CEO of the Saudi Egyptian Construction Company, Eng. Hussein Asaad, Chairman of Medad Consultant Engineers, and Eng. Mohammed Rashid, Chairman of MRB for Projects Management.

Engineer Hussein Asaad, Chairman of Medad Consultant Engineers, said that cooperation with Anchor Developments adds a lot to their prviois work, and achieves integration in experience with it.

He pointed that Medad Company will implement the architectural and construction design of the project, in addition to supervising the construction work, as it will cooperate with all parties working on the project to develop a unique design that takes into consideration all the standards of sustainability and energy saving, as well as the elements of safety and sound operation.

Eng. Mohammed Rashid, Chairman of MRB Project Management Company, said that, smart management of any project after its operation requires work within the initial stages of the project, in order to provide operational consultancy that takes into consideration specific elements to ensure the implementation of an integrated project.

He added that the company is developing a plan for distributing activities within the commercial part of the project, and setting a plan for housing and leasing, and a plan for project management, with an operating manual, assuring that his company seeks to achieve a successful integrated management system to meet the needs of the developer and ensure a unique experience for the project’s visitors.

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