Ecab Factory, which specializes in the manufacture of information cables, announced its plan to enter the African market during the coming period, backed by a high-quality Egyptian product capable of competing with the strongest international brands.
Dr. Said Abdel-Wahab, Chairman of Ecab Factory for manufacturing information cables, said that the factory is one of the most promising factories in the field of manufacturing Internet cables and information transmission.
He added that Ecab Factory, owned by Amar Misr for manufacturing cables and electrical appliances.

The factory is located in the industrial zone in Port Said Governorate, and is considered the only one in Egypt, and it produces 43 million meters of cables annually.
Dr. Said Abdel-Wahab added that the cable is approved by more than (29) specialized agencies, government universities, research centers, energy laboratories, the Engineering Authority, Egyptian engineering expertise houses, and many Egyptian bodies and banks.
Pointing out that the factory holds the highest international quality certificates, including: ISO – UL – SL, and that the product conforms to international standard specifications and the Egyptian code.
Abdel Wahab said that all the materials used in the cable industry are imported from their original sources of the highest international quality, stressing that the product is available in large quantities to serve major projects, and is ready for immediate supply at competitive prices.
Ecab reflects the sharing of expertise and technical skills of its trained team members in parallel with the implementation of quality, with a focus on customer requirements at the heart of every process, and it is all about helping our customers create cabling connections tailored to relevant standards and project deliverables,” says Abdelwahab.
Ecab has achieved success in launching, promoting and developing network cables, and the second phase aims to upgrade the cable production methodology through which automated systems eliminate a high percentage of human errors and increase quality restrictions on locally manufactured products, in addition to expanding the types of cables including Fire retardant cable, fire alarm cable and coaxial cable.
Dr. Said Abdel-Wahab added that his company aspires to expand the local production of electrical appliances of the highest quality.