موقع إلكتروني متخصص في الأخبار الاقتصادية
الأربعاء, 22 يناير 2025 | 5:51 مساءً
إعلان طولي جانبي
إعلان طولي جانبي
اعلان كبير اسفل السلايدر

Arkan Palm’s 205 project to sponsor Egypt’s trampoline champion Malak Hamza in the 2024 Olympics

The real estate developer, Arkan Palm, announced the signing of a sponsorship deal with Egypt’s trampoline gymnast champion, Malak Hamza.

Malak Hamza’s sponsorship deal is through 205, a project located in West Cairo, as part of the company’s keenness to support talented youth in different fields.

Malak Hamza, 20-year-old athlete, represented Egypt in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, ranking 9th out of 16 competitors. Malak contributed greatly to the 2020 Olympic Games despite the sport, trampoline gymnastics, being recently introduced to Egypt, just 12 years ago.

اعلانات بجانب السلايدر 2

As Chief Marketing Officer of Arkan Palm and Badr El Din Group, Nadia Badr El Din stated that Arkan Palm is excited to start a program to support the talented youth within different fields, sports being amongst them. Through fulfilling the athletes physical and emotional needs, from sportswear and tools to providing emotional support, to help elevate their skills and qualifications and achieve the best scores possible.

Nadia Badr El Din pointed out that 205, an Arkan Palm development, is keen on supporting young talents through their growth and development within their fields of expertise. Nadia Badr El Din referred to Arkan Palm’s eagerness to offer an added value to the community by not just providing exquisite projects, job openings, but also by supporting talented youth.

Nadia Badr El Din noted that 205 – an Arkan Palm development decided to sponsor Malak after witnessing her outstanding performance in the 2020 Olympic Games. 205 instantly contacted Malak and saw that her ambition and persistence to get a medal for Egypt in the Paris 2024 Olympic Games to be extremely impressive. Nadia Badr El Din emphasized on the necessity of sponsoring talented youth and supporting them to achieve their goals and overcome challenges.

Meanwhile, Malak Hamza the Egyptian Olympian gymnast who plays at Gezira Sports Club (GSC) was extremely keen when signing the sponsorship contract, she stated that when Arkan Palm reached out to her, it motivated her to train more and boosted her interest in obtaining a medal for Egypt in the upcoming Olympic Games.

Malak added that the sponsorship is extremely important to her personal journey, especially when it comes to qualifying for the Olympics. Qualifying needs a lot of excessive training, effort, and finances, and being sponsored by one of the most renowned real estate developers in Egypt (Arkan Palm), will help build awareness towards the sport, trampoline gymnastics, in Egypt.

Malak elaborated that she started playing trampoline at the age of 14, at a relatively old age, and participated in the first Egyptian championship in 2017. She then, officially joined Egypt’s trampoline national team where she represented Egypt at several events. Hamza stressed her enthusiasm to increase her training hours to six hours a day rather than two until the time of the Olympic Games.

Malak Hamza’s trainer Seif Asser assured that their goal is to receive a medal in each championship they participate in, adding that trampoline gymnastics is a renowned sport worldwide but does not get enough support in Egypt. Seif Asser hailed Arkan Palm’s decision of sponsoring Malak in a time when most companies prefer to sponsor athletes of popular sports.

Arkan Palm is a subsidiary of Badr El Din Group and it’s worth mentioning that Arkan Palm’s latest project “205” is the biggest integrated administrative project in West Cairo in partnership with New Urban Communities Authorities (NUCA).

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