موقع إلكتروني متخصص في الأخبار الاقتصادية
الأربعاء, 22 يناير 2025 | 4:35 مساءً
آخر الأخبار
مشروع Marriott Residences Cairo إشادة عالمية تسبق العد التنازلي لتسليم المرحلة الأولى في يناير الجار... مؤسسة الجود تشارك في إرسال قافلة المساعدات الإنسانيه التاسعة لغزة ريفليكت للتطوير العقاري تطلق مشروع فيلفت مول في مدينة العبور باستثمارات 1.8 مليار جنيه رانيا رمضان: العلمين الجديدة ستشهد إقبالًا استثنائيًا بداية فصل الصيف المقبل "ماجد الفطيم" تفتتح متجرين لكارفور في محافظة أسوان والعاصمة الإدارية الجديدة بيتا للتطوير العقاري تعلن بيع المرحلة الأولى من Beta Residence بالسادس من أكتوبر كونتراك للتطوير العقاري تنفذ أعمالًا بقيمة 3 مليارات جنيه خلال 2024 التجاري الدولي يوقع بروتوكول تعاون استراتيجي مع جهاز تنمية المشروعات لدعم الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة «نخيل للتطوير» تصل بمحفظة استثماراتها لـ7 مليارات جنيه...وتخطط لإطلاق مشروع جديد خلال الربع الثاني أكرم الشيخ يستعرض برنامج شركة رادكس لتولي رئاسة لجنة التسويق والإعلام بجمعية مطوري القاهرة الجديدة
إعلان طولي جانبي
إعلان طولي جانبي
اعلان كبير اسفل السلايدر

Tips before buying commercial and administrative units in the Administrative Capital

Ahmed Abdelaziz, General Manager and Financial Consultant at Etqan Financial and Marketing Consulting, presented a number of tips for citizens wishing to invest in the Administrative Capital and purchase commercial and administrative units.

Abdulaziz said that the majority of clients of the administrative capital projects are investment clients and not the end user of the unit, and their goal of buying is to achieve an investment return, either by reselling the unit after a period or leasing it and benefiting from the rental return, and a large percentage of clients are not familiar enough with the nature of this type of investment (administrative and commercial), such as: internal operable spaces – facilities and amenities – and the number of elevators compared to the size of the building and the expected return and others.

Ahmed Abdelaziz added that it is possible for the citizen or the customer to decide to buy based on false information, perceptions and convictions drawn by some out of ignorance, lack or on purpose, in the hope that the resale will take place after a year with a return of no less than 20%, regardless of the expected percentage. For the return, however, it is illogical for a new area and city that is completely under construction with this many projects and expects resale in the short term.

اعلانات بجانب السلايدر 2

And he added, some customers are thinking of buying in a building whose total area of sale will not exceed 1,000 square meters and imagine that they have purchased a unit in a building such as Cairo Festival City or City Stars and that the one who will rent his unit is one of the international brands, and this does not mean underestimating these buildings, but the customer must To be well aware of the size of the project in which he is purchasing, and thus visualize the form of the operating process inside it, how it will be and accordingly the expected return from his rent.

He explained that sometimes the measurement is wrong, and the rent of a unit inside a small mall is estimated with specific features and specifications on other large malls of a special nature and with completely different specifications, which makes the customer deceive and buy based on this “calculation” in which he believes that he will get a rental return that exceeds 20% annually.

Ahmed Abdel Aziz stressed that his speech is not a call to refrain from buying, but rather to take all necessary precautions when buying and to ask and investigate the developer and the project’s internal details, bearing in mind that investing in the Administrative Capital is a long-term investment.

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