موقع إلكتروني متخصص في الأخبار الاقتصادية
الأحد, 27 أكتوبر 2024 | 6:14 مساءً
آخر الأخبار
انطلاق فعاليات معرض قرار للاستثمار في الإمارات نوفمبر المقبل لدعم تصدير العقارات المصرية   «مايلستون للتطوير» تدشن مكتب مبيعات دائمًا في الرياض ضمن خطتها للتواجد خارجيًا مصطفى الجلاد: تحريك الوقود والفائدة يؤثر بشكل مباشر علي القطاع العقاري مدينة مصر توقع عقد شراكة مع زهراء المعادي لتطوير مشروع عمراني في هليوبوليس الجديدة مصر لتأمينات الحياة تفوز بجائزة "أفضل طرق العمل الجديدة" في جوائز كوروس لإعادة الابتكار – الشرق الأو... شركة Dubleuse تطلق “PlugN” للمكاتب الفندقية بمشروع District People القاهرة الجديدة تقرير لـ "كونتكت" عن الاستدامة يكشف عن خطوات بارزة تقود إلي إقتصاد أخضر ومستدام في الشرق الأوسط بدأوا متدربين ووصلوا لقيادات وأبرز المؤثرين في مجالاتهم.. قصص نجاح ملهمة لمستفيدين من كورسات المنتور صندوق العراق للتنمية يتعاون مع السويدي إليكتريك لتأسيس صندوق استثماري عراقي مصر الخير تحتفل مع خريجي دفعتي 29 و 30 طب بشري بتوريد جهاز موجات فوق صوتية تبرعًا منهم
إعلان طولي جانبي
إعلان طولي جانبي
اعلان كبير اسفل السلايدر

Milestone Developments establishes permanent sales office in Riyadh to support global expansion efforts

Milestone Developments, a subsidiary of Saudi Arabia’s Areej AL KhaleejGroup, has announced the launch of a permanent sales office in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. This move is part of the company’s plan to contribute to the Egyptian government’s initiative to expand real estate exports and promote Egyptian projects internationally.

Hatem Adel, Chief Commercial Officer at Milestone Developments, stated that the company is targeting clients in Saudi Arabia, including Egyptian expatriates residing in the Kingdom as well as Saudi nationals. As part of its regional expansion, the company plans to establish multiple offices across the Gulf next year, beginning with the Riyadh branch.

Adel noted that Egyptian real estate holds significant competitive advantages globally, particularly with its appealing and competitive pricing, alongside the continuous evolution of real estate products driven by Egypt’s comprehensive development plan. Accordingly, expanding the international marketing of these projects strengthens their presence in the global market, while also motivating Egyptian companies to innovate and deliver the highest quality standards in their developments to thrive in this competitive landscape.

اعلانات بجانب السلايدر 2

Ahmed Ahmed Dewedar, Sales Director at Milestone Developments, said that the launch of the new office in Riyadh coincides with the Hazi Misr exhibition, which will take place at the JW Marriott Hotel in Riyadh. Milestone Developments’ participation in this exhibition is part of their strategy to offer exclusive deals specifically for the Saudi market.

He explained that this new branch will be responsible for marketing the company’s projects in the Egyptian market and will facilitate direct communication with clients to understand and meet their needs regarding existing or future projects.He noted that the company has ambitious expansion plans it aims to implement in the coming period.

Milestone Developments was established by Sheikh Zoaar bin Ayed bin Zoaar Al-Ajmi and Sheikh Mohamed Zoaar bin Ayed bin Zoaar Al-Ajmi, a member of the Saudi-Egyptian Business Council, and Nagy Ismail, Vice Chairman of the Board.

The company operates under the Areej Al Khaleej Group in Saudi Arabia and boasts a fully Saudi foundation, with a strong portfolio of prominent companies in the Saudi market since 1979. This portfolio, including Al Multaqa Real Estate and Areej Al-Khaleej Car Rental, which collectively have 90 branches across the Kingdom, as well as Mohammed bin Zoaar’s showrooms in Riyadh and other enterprises in diverse sectors.

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