موقع إلكتروني متخصص في الأخبار الاقتصادية
الخميس, 23 يناير 2025 | 5:29 صباحًا
إعلان طولي جانبي
إعلان طولي جانبي
اعلان كبير اسفل السلايدر

MCS Announces a New Strategic Partnership with Nokia

Mideast Communication Systems (MCS), a regional value-added distributor and consulting partner for information technology solutions and cybersecurity in Egypt and Africa announced a strategic partnership with Nokia, a global leader in technology solutions, networks, and digital infrastructure.

This partnership aims to provide integrated solutions and products to MCS partners, distributors, and customers across various key sectors, in line with achieving future digital transformation plans. Furthermore, Nokia targets to strengthen its influencing role in driving the digital development of various Egyptian institutions and entities, in addition to transferring its innovative technical expertise to meet the evolving requirements for business support.

This new partnership contributes to creating a new competitive advantage for customers based on the innovative solutions provided by Nokia to the Egyptian business sectors, including communication equipment, network solutions, technological infrastructure, and networking systems.

اعلانات بجانب السلايدر 2

Tarek Shabaka, CEO at MCS, expressed his great pleasure with this partnership, commenting: “We are delighted with this constructive partnership as a step towards our future vision to provide business sectors, banking institutions, and governmental entities with the latest global technologies that will contribute to accelerating the pace of digital development and the shift towards global business models”, adding that the announcement of our new partnership with Nokia reflects our clear commitment towards the key Egyptian sectors to transfer the latest developments in the industry and ensure providing real added value to our partners and customers, in addition to our vision to move forward in attracting global companies to support future plans in the digital transformation plan and integration between various developers of new technologies to enhance the role of digital transformation in various sectors”.

Mohamed Salama, Head of Fixed Networks at Nokia MEA said: “We are excited to collaborate with MCS to introduce cutting-edge technology to the Egyptian market. With Nokia’s innovative network infrastructure capabilities and MCS’ comprehensive value-added services, we are confident that we can jointly make a significant contribution to the country’s digital transformation by offering reliable, secure and sustainable solutions. This partnership aligns with our mission to create technology that helps the world act together”.

The new partnership will extend to providing technical training programs for specialists to keep pace with the latest technical innovations of Nokia, in addition to technical support services for our partners to achieve the best return on their investment.

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