موقع إلكتروني متخصص في الأخبار الاقتصادية
الأربعاء, 22 يناير 2025 | 9:25 مساءً
إعلان طولي جانبي
إعلان طولي جانبي
اعلان كبير اسفل السلايدر

BETA Sporting Club, October Gardens, wins the Tennis Association League

Beta Egypt for Urban Development Co. achieves more distinctive and interesting results through its pioneering social and sports experiment, BETA Sporting Club, the first integrated social sports club in the city of October Gardens.
BETA Sporting Club gained the first place for the second year in a row, in the sixth Tennis Association League for the year 2023 under the age of 8, 9, 10 and 12 years old.

Eng. Alaa Fikry, Chairman of Beta Egypt for Urban Development, honored Captain Taha Ibrahim, the tennis team manager, and the team champions as well as the champions of some other games who achieved successes in the past period, during a grand celebration attended by the champions of the Beta Club sports teams, their families, and senior public and sports figures.

Eng. Alaa Fekry expressed his happiness with the positive results and continued successes achieved by the tennis team at BETA Sporting Club, and other sports and games, including swimming and kung fu.

اعلانات بجانب السلايدر 2

He affirmed that the BETA Sporting Club’s sports teams were ableto achieve positive results, in record time, in all the competitions they participated in across the country, and the champions of the games won many medals and prizes, stressing that the club’s management is keen to provide constant support to the various games champions.

He indicated that the club has adopted, since its inception, a strategy aimed at encouraging children and youth to practice sports, pay attention to public health, and distance themselves from the isolation resulting from technology and spending long time in front of phones and smart devices.

In addition, the club’s management was keen on the absence of electronic games such as the “PlayStation” in order to focus on community communication among members and children, and practicing sports.

Captain Taha Ibrahim, the manager, received a few days ago, the league shield, and the sports team champions were honored, while the manager thanked Eng. Alaa Fekry, Chairman of BETA Egypt for Urban Development, for his constant support of the sports teams and motivating the players to achieve the goal of “BETA Sporting Club” by graduating cadres in various sports.

He also thanked Eng. Mohamed Taher, Vice Chairman of EPM, Mr. Ahmed Maher, CEO of EPM, and Captain Magdy El-Sherbiny, Director of BETA Sporting Club.

The dreams team for tennis under the age of 8 years old consists of Omar Mustafa, Ibrahim Nour, Malik Muhammad, Ahmed Muhammad, Juri Hazem, Kinda Mahmoud and Maryam Muhammad, while the “Brave” team under the age of 9 years old includes the players Youssef Samir, Sameh Mohamed, Zain Ayman, Jana Mahmoud Badir, Nada Mostafa, Leni Amr, Farida Karim and Sana Emad El-Din.

The Knights team under the age of 10years old includes Youssef Samir, Tony Peter, Mohamed Sayed and Farida Ahmed, and the Champions Team under the age of 12 years old consists of Omar Taha, Mohamed El-Sayed, Youssef Galal, Nour Ibrahim, Rokaya Ramy and Basma Ahmed.

Youssef Samir, a player of “BETA Sporting Club”, won the best player award, while Janna Mahmoud Badir won the best female player award in the tournament.

BETA Sporting Club has contributed, over the past years, to achieving various major goals, including discovering many talented children and youth in various sports, developing their capabilities, qualifying them to participate in major championships and competitions, and fulfilling a development goal for the city of October Gardens, as the club contributed to raising the added value of the city and attract more populations to it.

The “BETA Sporting Club” has various sports, cultural and artistic activities, and includes a health club in addition to 7 academies for football, basketball, swimming, tennis, kung fu, karate and aerobics, as well as cultural and artistic academies such as the Ballet Academy and the academies of fine arts and music.

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