موقع إلكتروني متخصص في الأخبار الاقتصادية
الأحد, 27 أكتوبر 2024 | 6:21 مساءً
آخر الأخبار
انطلاق فعاليات معرض قرار للاستثمار في الإمارات نوفمبر المقبل لدعم تصدير العقارات المصرية   «مايلستون للتطوير» تدشن مكتب مبيعات دائمًا في الرياض ضمن خطتها للتواجد خارجيًا مصطفى الجلاد: تحريك الوقود والفائدة يؤثر بشكل مباشر علي القطاع العقاري مدينة مصر توقع عقد شراكة مع زهراء المعادي لتطوير مشروع عمراني في هليوبوليس الجديدة مصر لتأمينات الحياة تفوز بجائزة "أفضل طرق العمل الجديدة" في جوائز كوروس لإعادة الابتكار – الشرق الأو... شركة Dubleuse تطلق “PlugN” للمكاتب الفندقية بمشروع District People القاهرة الجديدة تقرير لـ "كونتكت" عن الاستدامة يكشف عن خطوات بارزة تقود إلي إقتصاد أخضر ومستدام في الشرق الأوسط بدأوا متدربين ووصلوا لقيادات وأبرز المؤثرين في مجالاتهم.. قصص نجاح ملهمة لمستفيدين من كورسات المنتور صندوق العراق للتنمية يتعاون مع السويدي إليكتريك لتأسيس صندوق استثماري عراقي مصر الخير تحتفل مع خريجي دفعتي 29 و 30 طب بشري بتوريد جهاز موجات فوق صوتية تبرعًا منهم
إعلان طولي جانبي
إعلان طولي جانبي
اعلان كبير اسفل السلايدر

Kader Factory for Industries contracts with Adler International to market its products outside Egypt

Adler International for International Agencies and Kader Factory for Advanced Industries, which is affiliated with the Arab Organization for Industrialization AOI, signed a protocol in the field of promotion, marketing and advertising of the factory’s products in foreign markets.

The cooperation protocol was signed by Amr Abdel Aziz, Chairman of the Board of Directors of “KADER” Factory, and Eng. Hanan Raouf, General Manager of Adler International.

Major General / Amr Abdel Aziz: We aim to knock on the export doors of the factory’s distinguished products in terms of quality and price.

اعلانات بجانب السلايدر 2

He added that the factory now has the competencies that qualify it to provide distinguished products with a large proportion of the local component, through continuous development to provide products with international standard specifications in order to achieve the aspirations of customers and export to brotherly Arab and African countries.

Eng. Hanan Raouf: We providing all marketing efforts to localize the Egyptian industry in the African markets, by carrying out a systematic marketing campaign.

The essence of the success of the industrial business lies in marketing. It is the vital role that marketing plays in the success of the company’s product.

KADER Factory is one of the strongholds of the Arab Organization for Industrialization, and it has many different industries and production lines, including the following: Al-Fahd armored Production Line, Light armored Vehicles, Loading 122mm howitzer, Line of Fire Trucks & equipment, Special equipment Line such as “ATM – Workshop – Ambulance – Armored Money Transfer “, Timber industry and Plastic Product Line and High precision product Lines

KADER Factory is one of the strongholds of the Arab Organization for Industrialization, and it has many different industries and production lines, including the following: Al-Fahd armored Production Line, Light armored Vehicles, Loading 122mm howitzer, Line of Fire Trucks & equipment, Special equipment Line such as “ATM – Workshop – Ambulance – Armored Money Transfer “, Timber industry and Plastic Product Line and High precision product Lines.

 KADER Factory is one of the strongholds of the Arab Organization for Industrialization, and it has many different industries and production lines, including the following: Al-Fahd armored Production Line, Light armored Vehicles, Loading 122mm howitzer, Line of Fire Trucks & equipment, Special equipment Line such as “ATM mobile Banking services– Workshop – Ambulance – Armored Money Transfer “, Timber industry and Plastic Product Line

All lines production are High precision and we can transfer our experiences to African countries that are looking for this type of service.

 Gen. Amr Abdel Aziz explained that the Kader Factory has expansions with production lines to manufacture golf carts and increase the local component in them, saying: “We also collect bicycles and electric scooters. Specializations, most of them are in important leadership positions, in addition to the presence of distinguished workshops for the manufacture of wooden and metal furniture, which have achieved distinguished successes in the recent period, whether in terms of contracts or the quality of production.

It is worth noting that the Kader Factory for Advanced Industries was established in 1949, under the name “Heliopolis Aircraft Factory”, with the purpose of designing and manufacturing the first training aircraft of the “Jumhuriya” model, then the armored industry in the sixties. Among them is the “KADER” factory for advanced industries, and “SAKER” Aircraft and Engines.

Eng. Hanan Raouf, Director of Adler International Company for International General Agencies, said that the company, with its international expertise, will work to provide all of expertise and capabilities to Kader Factory for Developed Industries in the field of distinguished marketing services and the ability to search for marketing opportunities and prepare to present sale and partnership deals with international factories.

She added that the Kader Factory and the Arab Organization for Industrialization are a major arm and partner of the state, and that the organization aims to localize advanced industries.

She referred to the African markets that are thirsty for Egyptian products and industries of high quality and distinguished prices, in addition to the Gulf markets and Eastern European countries.

Adler International Adler Company was established in 2011 and works mainly in the field of international general agencies. Among the companies represented is the American Moog Company, which is a leading company in the manufacture of military equipment’s in the field of Aviation. During the past years, the company succeeded in marketing the company’s products in the Arab Republic of Egypt.

According to the company’s expansion plan, a branch of the company was opened in the United Arab Emirates in Sharjah in 2021, with the aim of expanding in the field of marketing and promotion

Eng. Hanan Raouf said that the Kader Factory for Advanced Industries affiliated with the Arab Organization for Industrialization has industrial components and research centers available at the highest level, and they are insisting on developing and upgrading high technical capabilities, and there are subscribers. Cooperation with a number of developed countries in the industry, including Germany, Austria and Italy, and the product comes out with the same high quality level as imported products. There are contracts with European companies, including France, Spain and China, most of which are for railways and transportation. Indeed, this factory is the same imported product with a quality that deserves to be seen by the world.

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